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Street Photography

Copenhagen, Denmark

Art direction, Photography

Street Photography

Copenhagen, Denmark

Art direction, Photography

Echoes of thoughts, but layered.

Reflections serve as gateways to the myriad perspectives nestled within our thoughts. To me, mirrors are not merely surfaces; they are canvases upon which the diverse viewpoints of our mindset can be visualized and explored.

Often, the subjects of my photographs are not about capturing the immediate, but rather, they whisper stories of thoughts and memories, ambient moods and elusive feelings.

An echo of life’s impermanence, a poetic testament to the ever-shifting play of thought and sensation that defines our existence.

It is a gentle reminder that in every reflection, there is an opportunity to see anew, to rethink and feel deeply, inviting the observer into a world where every picture tells a story, and every story reflects a piece of the soul.

Dialogues and reminiscences, each capturing the subtle drama of human sentiment and the echoes of moments past.
Street photography in Copenhagen.