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The unconscious odyssey

By May 8, 2020July 18th, 2024Photography

The unconscious odyssey

In the pulsating underbelly of a modern metropolis, where the neon haze meets the frigid dawn, lies a tableau of human dramas unfolding. Each street corner whispers its own saga—a tale of ambition clashing with reality, of dreams entangled in the web of mundane existence.

  • Street Photography
  • Copenhagen, Denmark

Chasing the novel in the heart

Here, amidst the cacophony of voices and the symphony of honking horns, we find ourselves chasing the novel in the heart of the familiar, where every step is a dance with chaos and every heartbeat a manifesto of defiance against the ordinary.

It’s a collision of narratives, a kaleidoscope of identities, where the search for meaning intertwines with the quest for survival in a city that breathes life into the very fabric of our dreams and fears alike.