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By February 14, 2023December 14th, 2023Uncategorized

Street Photography

Copenhagen, Denmark

Art direction, Photography

Street Photography

Copenhagen, Denmark

Art direction, Photography

Decoding the mystique, copenhagen’s liminal narratives in focus.

In the bustling streets of Copenhagen in 2019, the foundation of my artistic style was cemented. These two photographs are not merely images; they are powerful testaments to the transitional phases and liminal spaces that weave through the fabric of our everyday lives.

Each frame encapsulates a world of hidden narratives, inviting the observer to decipher secrets and meanings that lie beneath the surface.

In these visual narratives, the ordinary is transformed into an arena of silent rebellion and unvoiced resistance. It’s a documentation of our age, where civil obedience is questioned and redefined through the simplest of actions. The photos speak of the unspoken, of the quiet defiance found in the everyday.

Exhibited at

Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2020
At Kunsthal Charlottenborg.
Censored Exhibition.

Young Danish Contemporary Art 2022
The art building in Vrå
Censored Exhibition.

Copenhagen Business School
Solo Exhibition 2021.
Censored Exhibition.

The Charlottenborg Foundation and Kunsthal Charlottenborg for the opening of the Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2020, when we once again open the doors to one of the most important open, juried exhibitions in Europe since 1857.

This year, 70 Danish and international artists and artist groups have made it through the eye of the needle among the 736 applications received by the jury. A total of 134 works created by established artists, but also young, budding talents from both Denmark and Europe as well as countries such as Israel, Russia and the United States are exhibited.

“The Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2020 is characterized by the diversity that is characteristic of the field of applicants for the exhibition, when there is no strict curatorial grip on the final choice of participating artists. Among both experienced, professional artists as well as brand new untested talents are Works are selected in which a high degree of tactility and nerve are at stake.

With 70 artists and artist groups, the Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2020 is bigger and more embracing than it has been for a number of years.”

It is in the Kunstbygningen i Vrå – the spirit of the Engelund Collection that it opens for young art, and we are therefore pleased that we now succeed in meeting the great public interest there is in young art. This is a juried exhibition based on an Open Call into the Danish art environment.

By the deadline of 1 April 2021, we not only received many applications from all over Denmark, but almost exclusively applications of impressively high artistic level. The audience can look forward to an extraordinary art experience. The participating artists are in the process of making their mark on both the Danish and international art scene. It exudes exuberant creativity and versatility, which is characteristic of Danish contemporary art these years. There is a common thread of interest in the existential in the midst of a high-tech age, where sensation, experience of the world and identity formation are some of the themes that recur.

Several of the artists delve into the very personal material, in a way that reflects our time and being human in the world. Body and soul are reflected skinlessly in several works. Other works explore more formal forms of expression, play with culturally conditioned signals, and are aware of art history. This is a brave young generation that is not afraid to take up the big questions of life and art.

They challenge the observer to look beyond the obvious and delve into the depths of the secrets.
Street photography in Copenhagen.