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Pretending nothing has changed

By October 22, 2020July 18th, 2024Photography

Pretending nothing has changed

In the eerie calm of a post-digital dawn, where the echoes of yesterday’s chaos still reverberate through the virtual canyons of our minds, we find ourselves confronted with the paradox of pretending nothing has changed.

  • Street Photography
  • Copenhagen, Denmark

Algorithms mapping

The flickering screens, the incessant hum of algorithms mapping our desires, and the relentless barrage of curated realities collide in a cacophony of pixelated whispers, reminding us that beneath the facade of seamless connectivity lies a world reshaped by unseen hands.

As we navigate this labyrinth of hyper-reality, where every click is a vote and every share a proclamation, we are left to wonder: are we truly masters of our destiny or mere pawns in a grand algorithmic game?