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In transit

By January 20, 2021July 18th, 2024Photography

In transit

As I rocketed through the throbbing veins of the city’s tangled arteries, a symphony of neon and concrete unfolded around me like a fever dream in hyperdrive.

  • Street Photography
  • Copenhagen, Denmark

Perpetual motion

Each intersection was a nexus of stories waiting to be jacked into, characters with their own twisted plots bubbling just beneath the surface. The air hummed with the pulse of a thousand lives intersecting, colliding, and diverging, a chaotic ballet choreographed by fate’s mischievous hand.

In the midst of this frenetic dance, I found myself a transient observer, a seeker of tales in the heart of the urban jungle, where every honk, every flicker of light, whispered secrets of a world in perpetual motion.