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Half open grid

By September 10, 2022December 26th, 2023Uncategorized

Street Photography

Paris, France

Art direction, Photography

Street Photography

Paris, France

Art direction, Photography

Secrets behind closed curtains.

As the days unfold and my wanderings through the city grow longer, the urban landscape and its myriad of lights become more than mere backdrops; they transform into familiar characters in a continuously evolving narrative.

It’s an attempt to unravel the urban fabric, to understand the language of the city, and to unveil the secrets that lie hidden in plain sight.

One striking element that quickly captivated my attention was the prevalence of grids adorning the storefronts – a metaphorical veil, suggesting a world that simultaneously conceals and reveals, holding secrets just beyond its grasp.

Grids, not just a physical space, but as a living, breathing entity with stories to share.
Street photography in Paris.