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From dusk till Dawn

By September 15, 2022December 5th, 2023Uncategorized

Street Photography

Copenhagen, Denmark

Art direction, Photography

Street Photography

Copenhagen, Denmark

Art direction, Photography

The hues of rural landscapes.

In these extended hours, there lingers a sense of transformation, as if the city itself morphs into a realm reminiscent of the southern states — dusty, rural, and distinctly different from its usual metropolitan bustle.

It’s a more reserved glimpse into an urban heart, one that harbors secrets far removed from those whispered in the nocturnal hours. As dawn breaks or as the sun sets, new entities arise, each with stories untold.

The streets, now tinged with the hues of rural landscapes, speak of a life more attuned to nature’s cadences. Buildings, basking in the golden light of dawn or the soft hues of dusk, cast long, contemplative shadows that seem to whisper tales of a slower, more measured existence.

The city, in these hours, is a canvas painted with the brushstrokes of a world both strange and familiar.

The pulse of a different life, a different rhythm that beats beneath the city’s usual cacophony.
Street photography in Copenhagen.