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Copenhagen Conservators

By May 26, 2021July 21st, 2024Film, Photography

The Art of Time Travel: Restoring a Century-Old Wallpaper to Its Former Glory

At the heart of the old German embassy on Stockholmsgade in Copenhagen lies an extraordinary piece of history—an exceptionally well-preserved, century-old wallpaper.

Tasked with restoring this unique artifact, Anne Simonsen and her team from Copenhagen Conservators undertook a meticulous process to return the wallpaper to its original splendor. My role was to document and bring to life this intricate restoration journey through creative direction, concept development, and film production.

  • Client: Copenhagen Conservators
  • Services Provided: Creative Direction, Concept Development, Film Production

The restoration of the wallpaper posed several significant challenges:

  • Preservation and Restoration: Cleaning and repairing the delicate wallpaper without compromising its integrity required specialized techniques and an innovative approach.
  • Recreating Lost Strips: The original manufacturing method for the wallpaper no longer exists, necessitating the invention of new techniques to recreate the lost sections.
  • Sourcing Materials: Finding the right materials, such as the perfect silicone for embossing and the appropriate paper from Japan, was critical to maintaining authenticity.


  1. Creative Direction and Concept Development: I crafted a narrative that highlighted the historical significance and artistic value of the wallpaper. This involved thorough research and collaboration with the conservators to accurately represent the restoration process.
  1. Film Production: I documented the entire restoration process, capturing the delicate cleaning, repair work, and innovative techniques used to recreate the wallpaper. Our goal was to create a visually engaging and informative film that showcased the expertise and dedication of the conservators.

Restoration Journey:

  • Meticulous Cleaning and Repair: The team spent weeks carefully cleaning the wallpaper and repairing minor damages. This involved using specialized tools and techniques to ensure the wallpaper’s preservation.
  • Innovative Reproduction Techniques: To recreate the lost wallpaper strips, the team had to innovate. This included developing new methods for embossing using the right silicone and sourcing high-quality paper from Japan to match the original material.
  • Historical Authenticity: Throughout the process, maintaining historical authenticity was paramount. The team’s attention to detail and dedication to preserving the wallpaper’s original appearance ensured a faithful restoration.

Achievements: The result of this meticulous restoration is a beautifully restored piece of history, a testament to early 20th-century interior design. The restored wallpaper now stands as a centerpiece in the fully restored building, ready to delight all visitors.

Conclusion: My involvement in this project showcased how creative direction, concept development, and film production can overcome the challenges of historical restoration.

By documenting the expertise and innovation of Copenhagen Conservators, we were able to create a compelling narrative that celebrates the art of restoration and the timeless beauty of the wallpaper. This project not only achieved its goal of preserving a significant piece of history but also highlighted the importance of craftsmanship and dedication in the field of conservation.