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By August 26, 2022July 21st, 2024Design, Film, Photography

Pioneering Innovation at the Intersection of Art, Technology, and Design

Catch serves as a vibrant hub, fostering innovation where art, technology, and design converge. As a municipal center for creative education and innovation, Catch embraces a practice-based, open approach to learning. Through year-round workshops and collaborations with institutions and independent entities, Catch drives forward-thinking projects that culminate in public exhibitions closely integrated with CLICK.

  • Client: Catch / Elsinore Municipality
  • Services Provided: Creative Direction, Film Production, Photography


Our primary challenge was to create engaging and thought-provoking content that not only showcased the innovative spirit of Catch but also resonated with a diverse audience. We needed to:

  • Bridge the gap between technology and art in a way that was accessible and captivating.
  1. Foster cross-city collaboration, particularly between Helsingborg and Helsingør.
  • Develop content that could be both educational and emotionally engaging for local residents and tourists.


  1. Creative Direction: We developed a strategic vision that aligned with Catch’s mission to pioneer innovation. This involved curating projects that blended art, technology, and design in novel ways.
  1. Film and Photography Production: We produced high-quality films and photographs that documented the creative processes and final outcomes of Catch’s projects. These visual narratives were crafted to capture the essence of each initiative, making complex concepts more accessible and engaging.
  1. Collaborative Production: Working closely with artists, technologists, and cultural institutions, we ensured that each project was a cohesive and collaborative effort. This approach was key in bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise.


Extended Senses: One of our standout projects, “Extended Senses,” explored how we might augment the sensory system of an entire city. This exhibition at Kulturværftet in Elsinore was a collaboration between the cities of Helsingborg and Helsingør. Danish and Swedish artist groups developed a novel sensor system distributed among citizens, relaying data to a lighting installation that communicated through abstract lighting projections. The project was exhibited in both Elsinore and Dunkers Kulturhus in Helsingborg.

By overcoming the challenge of cross-city collaboration and integrating advanced technology into public art, we successfully created an engaging, video that connected communities. My creative direction and production work ensured that the project was not only visually stunning but also deeply meaningful.

Conclusion: My work with Catch exemplifies how creative direction, film production, and photography can overcome the challenges of blending art, technology, and public engagement. By developing and producing innovative projects like “Extended Senses” and “Soundtrack Elsinore,” I helped Catch achieve its mission of pioneering new concepts and fostering cross-city collaboration. My efforts resulted in captivating, educational, and emotionally resonant experiences that continue to inspire and connect diverse audiences.

Soundtrack Elsinore (Lydspor):
“Soundtrack Elsinore” is a sound walk that forms part of a research and development project between Catch, AIR Lab ITU, The Helsingør, and Bylab museums. This project explores how aural sensory experiences can forge emotional bonds with the past in today’s Helsingør. Developed for both citizens and tourists, the sound walk consists of three parts, including an app and physical, interactive sound installations at Kongekajen and Museerne Helsingør, City Museum.

Through My creative direction and production, we were able to transform historical and cultural research from this project into an immersive photographic experience. This project not only educates but also evokes a strong emotional connection to the city’s past, demonstrating the power of sound in storytelling and now in imagery.