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Street Photography

Copenhagen, Denmark

Art direction, Photography

Street Photography

Copenhagen, Denmark

Art direction, Photography

In Quietude.

In the hushed realms that stir curiosity yet slightly perturb, there lies a profound stillness — a stillness perhaps too profound for comfort. It is in these tranquil interludes where the imagination unfurls, spinning narratives of what might have once transpired.

Perhaps these are the gateways to another dimension, for now, they are silent — utterly silent.

The photographs become the storytellers, whispering tales through the absence of sound and the presence of space. They speak of the liminality of places, of moments suspended in time where the stories are as much about the unseen as the seen.

They invite the observer to listen with their eyes — to perceive the quiet stories etched in the stilled surroundings.

There exists a portal to another world — a world awaiting the presence of a listener, an observer, a storyteller.
Street photography in Copenhagen.