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Between staged and genuine

By February 2, 2021July 18th, 2024Photography

Between staged and genuine

Amidst the chiaroscuro of reality TV and Instagram-filtered authenticity lies a paradoxical realm where the staged and the genuine intertwine, each vying for dominance in the theater of modern existence.

  • Street Photography
  • Copenhagen, Denmark

Emotional currency

Here, personas are curated with surgical precision, calibrated to elicit envy or adoration, yet beneath the glossy veneer, primal truths simmer like molten lava beneath a thin crust.

It is a landscape where self-worth is quantified in likes and retweets, where the quest for validation converges with the raw yearning for connection, creating a tapestry of identities woven with threads of both aspiration and insecurity, where every smile is a potential emoji and every tear a digital currency in the marketplace of emotional currency.

Not here, here is only pure beauty and authenticity captured in brief transitions. Thank you Melina.