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Berlin night’s portrait

By September 20, 2019July 17th, 2024Photography

Berlin night’s portrait

As daylight fades and the soft pastels yield to twilight’s embrace, the world undergoes a subtle metamorphosis.

  • Street Photography
  • Berlin, Germany

Individuals unveil their most vulnerable selves

With dusk’s arrival, the city stirs into a nocturnal symphony, where inhabitants unfurl into a realm cloaked in shadows and sanctuaries.

I document this transformation, capturing a universe bathed in an ethereal luminescence. In these fleeting junctures, where dusk and dawn rendezvous, I discover the unfiltered essence of urban life.

The fading light does not obscure; it illuminates. Within these nuanced shades, individuals unveil their most vulnerable selves, offering a fleeting glimpse into the intricate waltz between their brightness and shadows.