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5D Plane

By December 12, 2023January 3rd, 2024Uncategorized

Street Photography

Copenhagen, Denmark

Art direction, Photography

Street Photography

Copenhagen, Denmark

Art direction, Photography

Visions beyond reality.

In a relentless pursuit of uncovering the myriad dimensions within my images, I find myself delving into a complex tapestry of realms that we, as humans, navigate in and out of – a vast sea of existence largely unknown to us.

How does one narrate the unseeable, the intangible, the phenomena often dismissed for lack of tangible evidence? I now hold a piece of this elusive truth. We are not merely confined to our three-dimensional perception; we are capable of transcending to realms beyond.

this narrative explores the depths of what lies beyond our conventional understanding.

It’s an odyssey that challenges the norms, asking viewers to step into a realm where belief precedes evidence, and perception is merely the starting point of a much grander journey.

To witness a world that defies the ordinary, a realm where the unseen becomes as real as the tangible.
Street photography in Copenhagen.