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By October 26, 2022July 21st, 2024Design, Film, Photography

The dance of perception, A quantum journey through life’s changes – 1P433 [One Pass]

An exploration of how our perception of reality is shaped by quantum phenomena and the existential weight of life’s transitions. The project delves into the notion that our understanding of reality is as fleeting and relative as subatomic particles in quantum entanglement. Through the lens of my camera, I capture and bring to life the shifting perceptions and fragmented realities that emerge during moments of change.

  • Client: Personal Project
  • Services Provided: Writing, Concept Development, Directing, Production

Creating 1P433 [One Pass] involved several significant challenges:

  • Conceptual Depth: Translating complex quantum concepts and existential themes into a visual narrative required a nuanced approach to storytelling.
  • Artistic Synthesis: Blending film, photography, and installation art to create a cohesive experience that resonates on multiple sensory levels.
  • Production Logistics: Coordinating the intricate logistics of wrapping a mansion in plastic and constructing light portals demanded meticulous planning and execution.


  1. Writing and Concept Development: I developed a narrative that intertwines the fluidity of quantum phenomena with the human experience of transition. The story unfolds in a dream-like realm, capturing moments of doubt, surrender, and rebirth as we navigate life’s uncertainties.
  1. Directing and Production: Directing the project involved guiding the visual and emotional tone to reflect the project’s philosophical underpinnings. Filming in various locations and constructing elaborate sets, such as light portals, were integral to creating an immersive experience.
  1. Multidisciplinary Integration: The project is a synthesis of film, photography, and installation art. This multidisciplinary approach allows viewers to engage with the work on a deeper level, experiencing the transformation both visually and viscerally.


  • Exhibitions: 1P433 [One Pass] has been exhibited in Aarhus and Berlin, captivating audiences with its thought-provoking narrative and striking visuals.
  • Digital Presence: The project has also been featured on a Japanese streaming channel, serving as a captivating ‘breaker’ that engages digital audiences.
  • Collaborative Success: The project’s success is a testament to the collaboration of talented individuals. Special thanks to Helene Eldov (Woman), Amelia Paquin (Producer), and Niklas Brandt Katborg (Music & Sound Design) for their contributions.

1P433 [One Pass] exemplifies how creativity and innovation can overcome the challenges of conceptual depth, artistic synthesis, and production logistics. By blending multiple art forms and exploring profound themes, we created a project that not only meets but exceeds our artistic and narrative goals.

This journey into the depths of quantum perception and existential transition has resonated with audiences, demonstrating the power of multidisciplinary storytelling in capturing the complexities of human experience.

Exhibited at

Digital Chroma Agency.
Berlin, Germany 2022
Censored Exhibition.

Output Aarhus.
Aarhus, Denmark 2021
Censored Exhibition.